Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS" overprinted.
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS" overprinted. No dot after "Sr" and in the "i" of "irá".
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS" overprinted. Second "a" of "hará" small, 1 mm high.
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". Cards for the countries of the Universal Postal Union.
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". Cards for the countries of the Universal Postal Union. 1889 Manila (Philippines)-Erfurt (Germany).
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". Cards for the countries of the Universal Postal Union. 1889 Manila (Philippines)-Amberg (Germany)-Munich (Germany).
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1890 Innen post Manila.
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1890 Manila-Erfurt (Germany).
Alfonso XII. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1890 Manila-Erfurt (Germany).
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1897 Paracale-Daet (North Camarines, Philippines).
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1896 Paracale-Daet (North Camarines, Philippines).
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS". 1896 Paracale-Daet (North Camarines, Philippines).
Alfonso XIII. Child type. Caption "FILIPINAS".
Alfonso XIII. Infant type. Caption "FILIPNAS 1898 y 99".
Alfonso XIII. Infant type. Caption "FILIPNAS 1898 y 99".
Alfonso XIII. Infant type. Caption "FILIPNAS 1898 y 99".
Alfonso XIII. Infant type. Caption "FILIPNAS 1898 y 99".
Alfonso XIII. Infant type. Caption "FILIPNAS 1898 y 99".